Document quand le programme est "Sciences appliquées" et l'année est 2017
Suffice, Pauline, Asselin, Hugo, Imbeau, Louis, Cheveau, Marianne et Drapeau, Pierre (2017). More fishers and fewer martens due to cumulative effects of forest management and climate change as evidenced from local knowledge. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine , 13 (1). doi:10.1186/s13002-017-0180-9 Repéré dans Depositum à
Tremblay, Geneviève, Valeria, Osvaldo et Imbeau, Louis (2017). Characterisation of Beaver Habitat Parameters That Promote the Use of Culverts as Dam Construction Sites: Can We Limit the Damage to Forest Roads? Forests , 8 (12). p. 494. doi:10.3390/f8120494 Repéré dans Depositum à