Légaré, Sonia, Bergeron, Yves et Paré, David (2002). Influence of forest composition on understory cover in boreal mixedwood forests of western Quebec. Silva Fennica , 36 (1). doi:10.14214/sf.567 Repéré dans Depositum à https://depositum.uqat.ca/id/eprint/1174
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Forest overstory composition influences both light and nutrient availability in the mixed boreal forest. The influence of stand composition on understory cover and biomass was investigated on two soil types (clay and till deposits). Four forest composition types were considered in this study: aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) and a mixture of balsam-fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) and white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss). The cover of all understory species was recorded while the biomass of two important and ubiquitous species was measured: mountain maple (Acer spicatum Lam.) of the shrub layer and large-leaved aster (Aster macrophyllus L.) of the herb layer. Soil analyses were conducted to evaluate the influence of overstory composition on understory biomass through its influences on soil characteristics. Analyses of variance showed a significant effect of forest canopy type on mountain maple biomass, understory cover and shrub cover but not on herb cover and large-leaved aster biomass. Path analysis was performed to explore the relationships between canopy type, nutrient availability and understory biomass. Contrary to what was expected, the variation in plant biomass associated with forest composition was weakly related to soil nutrient availability and more strongly related to stand structural attributes.
Type de document: | Article |
Informations complémentaires: | Licence d'utilisation : CC-BY-SA 4.0 |
Mots-clés libres: | Biomass; Canopy; Composition; Nutrient availability; Understory |
Divisions: | Forêts |
Date de dépôt: | 14 mai 2020 13:54 |
Dernière modification: | 14 mai 2020 13:54 |
URI: | https://depositum.uqat.ca/id/eprint/1174 |
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