Synergistic effects in mine offsite landscapes: Predicted ecosystem shifts could exacerbate mining effects on bryophyte community structure


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Yin, Xiangbo, Martineau, Christine et Fenton, Nicole (2022). Synergistic effects in mine offsite landscapes: Predicted ecosystem shifts could exacerbate mining effects on bryophyte community structure. Ecological Indicators , 144 . doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109555 Repéré dans Depositum à

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Global change is shifting ecosystem type relative abundance in boreal forests, while the green energy transition results in increased mining activities around the globe. The interaction and consequent effects of these two trends on biodiversity have not been examined in depth. Bryophytes species can be used as indicators to measure these effects because they play key ecological roles in boreal forests. We identified and evaluated the interaction between ecosystem type (i.e., coniferous, deciduous, mixed forest and open canopy) and mining on microhabitat scale bryophyte diversity and composition in 1-km landscapes surrounding six mine sites at different stages of the mining lifecycle in the Canadian boreal forest. Irrespective of microhabitat type, the combined effects of ecosystem type and mining stage were interactive on bryophytes. Bryophyte richness and community compo-sition were negatively affected by offsite effects of mines in only deciduous and mixed forests. The interacted effects on bryophyte richness mainly occurred on the ground r microhabitats. We also found that deciduous, mixed forests (coniferous forest as a reference) and mines had a negative impact on the abundance of feather mosses and sphagna. Furthermore, indicator species were identified for areas affected by mines (Pohlia nutans and Dicranum polysetum) and for control areas (Sphagnum angustifolium and Plagiomnium cuspidatum). Our results suggest the predicted ecosystem shifts with global changes, from coniferous to deciduous forests, could poten-tially increase the effects of mining on forest ecosystem resistance through the changes in bryophyte community structure. Adding microhabitats (i.e., adding coarse woody debris) near mine sites is a potential strategy to maintain species richness. Collectively, these findings advance our understanding of how mining affects biodi-versity and highlight the importance of considering mine offsite landscapes in future environmental evaluations of development projects in the context of global changes.

Type de document: Article
Informations complémentaires: La version officielle de cet article a été publiée dans la revue Ecological Indicators en 2022 :
Mots-clés libres: Mining activities; Climate changes; Indirect impacts; Epiphytes; Microhabitats; Taiga
Divisions: Forêts
Date de dépôt: 12 déc. 2022 18:31
Dernière modification: 12 déc. 2022 18:31

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