Document quand le programme est "Génie" et l'année est 2017

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Nombre de documents archivés : 5.


Beaudoin, Georges, Nowamooz, Ali, Assima, Gnouyaro Palla, Lechat, Karl, Gras, Antoine, Entezari, Ali, Kandji, El Hadji Babacar, Awoh, Akué-Sylvette, Horswill, Micha, Turcotte, Sara, Larachi, Faïçal, Dupuis, Christian, Molson, John, Lemieux, Jean-Michel, Maldague, Xavier, Plante, Benoît, Bussière, Bruno, Constantin, Marc, Duchesne, Josée, Therrien, René et Fortier, Richard (2017). Passive Mineral Carbonation of Mg-rich Mine Wastes by Atmospheric CO2. Energy Procedia , 114 . pp. 6083-6086. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.03.1745 Repéré dans Depositum à


Coulibaly, Yaya, Belem, Tikou et Cheng, LiZhen (2017). Numerical analysis and geophysical monitoring for stability assessment of the Northwest tailings dam at Westwood Mine. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology , 27 (4). pp. 701-710. doi:10.1016/j.ijmst.2017.05.012 Repéré dans Depositum à


Guittonny-Larchevêque, M. et Lortie, S. (2017). Above- and Belowground Development of a Fast-Growing Willow Planted in Acid-Generating Mine Technosol. Journal of Environmental Quality , 46 (6). pp. 1462-1471. doi:10.2134/jeq2017.03.0128 Repéré dans Depositum à


Mambenga, Patrick Vualu Ibula, Maqsoud, Abdelkabir, Plante, Benoît, Benzaazoua, Mostafa et Ducharme, Yyan (2017). Physicochemical quality of surface water: Background study prior of the Milky river sub-basin, Abitibi, Canada. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development , 13 . pp. 43-48. Repéré dans Depositum à

Maqsoud, Abdelkabir, Gervais, Philippe, Bussière, Bruno et Le Borgne, Vincent (2017). Performance evaluation of equipment used for volumetric water content measurements. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development , 13 . pp. 27-32. Repéré dans Depositum à

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